Vacation jobs

Work and earn money during the vacations

Schüler und Studenten aufgepasst: Wer sich in den Schul- oder Semesterferien etwas dazuverdienen möchte,  kann bei uns am Standort Selb mit anpacken. Als Ferienarbeiter unterstützt du unsere Fachbereiche bei den vielfältigen Aufgaben.

Ferienjobs bieten wir überwiegend im technischen Bereich der Produktion, Fertigung, Montage & Logistik an, vorausgesetzt du bist Schüler oder eingeschriebener Student oder in der Phase zwischen Schule und Studium.

Info and requirements

  • Age

    min. 16 years, preferably from 18 years (shift work)

  • Period

    Preferably in the summer months of June – October

  • Start

    by arrangement

  • Duration

    min. 3 weeks, shorter according to individual agreement

  • Working hours

    depends on the area of application, work is usually 7.5 hours/day, mainly in shifts (early, late, night shift)

  • Tasks

    Work in production or logistics, simple tasks such as machine operation, inserting and removing parts, packaging, sorting, quality control by visual inspection and with the help of measuring parts, assistance with cleaning machines and systems

Apply for a vacation job

Send the completed vacation worker form and your school or matriculation certificate to

You can download the application form here.

Do you still have questions?

We are happy to help you and have answered the most frequently asked questions here:

To the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

You are also welcome to call us.

© RAPA Gruppe